Sunday, February 1, 2009

The greatest meditation... a mind that let's go. That's the sticker I have on my computer...

I need to follow this. I think I had a pity-party of a weekend. And, I'm questioning my blogging, my life, etc. Maybe I should just go eat ice cream and sulk because I'm not getting anything anyways.

But, I think back to all the books, all the positive self-talk and I need to keep kicking... I'm letting others get me down, instead of relying on myself to be myself, like myself, for who-ever myself is... And, if you add it all up, I'm a pretty hot-ticket. I just keep forgetting it.

It's the whole excitement, slowing down, feeling. As soon as I slow down, I sink. Quickly. Like quick sand... maybe I should have called this blog "run as fast as you can, even if it's my slow 10 minute mile, otherwise you'll get sucked down into quicksand", "my life running from my brains quicksand". I like the analogy...

Anyways - it's February 1st now, thank goodness. I'm hoping it's a kick start to healthier attitude and feeding freezy. Mind over matter right?

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